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Google Ads

Is your business missing out on sales?

Imagine being able to transport almost unlimited interested customers physically to your shop in the blink of an eye... What effect would this have on your business? Does it sound to good to be true?

Every second of every day, there are 2.3 million searches performed on Google worldwide. Nearly everyone of these search result pages include Google Ads, often as the first result.

Using Google Ads, businesses can target relevant customers searching for their products and services, and are able to transport these customers directly to relevant products and services on their website.

improving digital marketing results

How does the Google Ads platform work?

Heard the expression 'Nothing good comes for free'? Running Google Ads costs money: each click on an ad from a consumer is chargeable to the advertiser. This is how Google has becomes one of the wealthiest companies in the world.

Google Ads work on an auction system, which takes place every time a user performs a keyword search.

Google allows you to bid on traffic for specific keyword searches alongside other businesses. Each click is essentially an auction, however its not as simple as whoever pays the most wins.

Your advert and website are assigned a Quality Score based on how relevant Google thinks they are to the customer's search. If you are deemed low quality you pay more, but if you have a very relevant website and advert you could pay substantially less than your competition but still appear above them!

digital ROI performance tracking

Will Google Ads work for your business?

There are many factors to consider when looking at running Google Ad campaigns.

  • Is anyone searching for my products and services online?
  • How much will it cost to advertise?
  • What is the competion like?
  • Will my website convert enough traffic to be profitable?

We offer a Paid Search Viability Study which is tailored to your business to find out the answers to all of these questions before you spend a single penny on Google Ads. This way you can greatly improve your chances of success before you begin.

Google Ad types

There are plenty of Google Ads options to suit your business.

A project manager and client manager discuss with a colleague before a video conference call. A large screen behind them is set up for the video call, both are focusing on their colleague who is out of frame.

Why do you need a Google Ads agency?

Google Ads is not easy, it's not just set and forget. Google is a dynamically changing environment, with competitors leaving and joining the market almost daily. Without proper management your costs could spiral, or results take a nose dive.

As an experienced Google Ads agency our team can look after your Google Ad campaigns, allowing you to continue the day-to-day running of your business. We work together with you to work on what we do best: incremental improvements, based on real world data, to deliver a better ROI to you.

We report back on results each month, even giving suggestions to you on how best to optimise your website to improve results further. We are not interested in maintaining the status quo but always seeking to improve your businesses performance further, to stay ahead of your competition.

Google Ads clients

E-Commerce - Growing online sales for a new brand

We worked closely with Coombe Farm Organic to launch an organic food and drink brand, helping them to accelerate from £0 to £100,000+ revenue per month within 2.5 years!

image of delicious organic food

Dorset Vehicle Rentals

We were tasked to increase bookings and re-engineer an existing online booking system to challenge national competitors.

Dorset Vehicle Rentals logo banner

Car Leasing - Outranking the competition and increasing enquiries

First Vehicle Leasing maintains a high rank on Google, giving them a 30% increase in conversion rates across all channels in this highly competitive digital space.

Developing a premium timber brand that stood out from the crowd

We helped Hewins Oak increase revenue with premium branding, bespoke development, and a very effective advertising campaign.

Hewins oak logo

Assisting a beloved local brand build a national e-commerce offering

Miles Tea & Coffee wanted an effective direct to consumer e-commerce website to sit alongside their existing B2B business. morphsites provided bespoke development and a very effective advertising campaign to drive new customers to their site and increase revenue.

Miles tea logo
cog icon

Software not talking to your website?

One of our specialities is complex integrations. Need your website to talk to your financing software and then authorise your warehouse to proceed with order dispatch? That's exactly the sort of challenge we relish.

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question mark icon

Need a new e-commerce website?

Ordering online is for many industries the de facto route for customers. We help you capitalise on this enormous and highly competitive market with industry-leading websites.

Learn more
wordpress logo

Thinking about a WordPress site?

WordPress is one of the best known website platforms available. Whilst it has many strengths, it's not always the best fit for every business. Why not speak to us first for an honest appraisal of the best platform for your business needs?

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